Advantages of Working with WAHLCO

The measure of our success is the degree to which we meet or exceed our customers’ expectations in order to cultivate repeat business.

Technical In-house Expertise

With over 600 installations worldwide, WAHLCO’s professionals provide a wide spectrum of skilled resources including mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering services to design and manufacture equipment to improve the efficiency of air pollution systems.

WAHLCO has an in-house staff of professional engineers, designers and project managers in its 68,000 square foot Orange County facility. Under the same roof, WAHLCO has a full-service fabrication shop employing experienced welders, electricians, pipe-fitters and insulators.

WAHLCO Engineers and Staff utilize a state-of-the-art network, Microsoft Exchange messaging system, Microsoft Windows and Office software, and state-of-the-art hardware. Finance, Manufacturing and Project Control groups are maintained using the Epicor Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system and Crystal reports. Engineering drawings are created on Autodesk Inventor and/or AutoCAD software. WAHLCO utilizes MS Project for project scheduling.

Further, as part of the Quality Assurance compliance, our staff includes qualified certified weld inspectors and the ability to execute PED and CE project requirements. WAHLCO follows a Quality Management System (QMS) for operations and is committed to maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction.



Through the application of process control and improvement, employee involvement, and management commitment, strive to…

  • Provide quality products that meet contractual customer requirements
  • Continually improve our QMS processes
  • Enhance customer satisfaction

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WAHLCO makes safety as their #1 criteria in the creation of all of their products for every industry that they service.

WAHLCO’S equipment design addresses service, maintainability and safety of those working on the equipment. This covers the use of design standards for process and site conditions as well as mitigating potential personnel risk with the use of:

  • NH3 leak detectors
  • Hot piping insulation
  • Equipment accessibility

EPA Regulatory Compliance

WAHLCO’S focus is to provide reliable ammonia supply and handling equipment to our clients that allow them to operate failure free and keeps their emission levels within compliance.

WAHLCO has designed, created and supplied equipment to various industries and markets that has enabled companies to achieve emission regulations for over forty years. Its Flue Gas Conditioning technology enables coal burning power plants to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by burning lower sulfur coal. The ammonia supply systems that WAHLCO supplies enable combustion sources to achieve compliance with Nitrous Oxide Emissions by utilizing ammonia as a reducing agent.